Sterntaler ist wieder da

Themen aus der Welt von Warhammer-Online
Beiträge: 1212
Registriert: 09.06.2004, 12:00
Wohnort: Hannover

Sterntaler ist wieder da

Beitrag von Arizona »


soeben gelesen im Mythic-Herald, die spannende Frage, wer der Nachfolger von Andy sein wird, ist gelöst. Unser Sterni ist wieder da :dance:

My name is Kai Schober, also known as Sterntaler to some of the European players, and I am happy to restart an old job in a new environment so to speak.

I started as a German Community Manager for Dark Age of Camelot in 2002 shortly after the European release – at that time in Paris working for GOA, the former French distributor for Europe. In that position I have been around through all expansions – from Shrouded Isles to Labyrinth of the Minotaur –helping, playing, doing events, or presenting the game to the players and the media at conventions and other occasions.

When GOA prepared to launch of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning in 2007, I moved to Dublin and there became Head of Community Management to coordinate the European communication along with Mythic. At the end of 2009 as a result of the downsizing of GOA I took a timeout from the gaming world and spent one year in Gibraltar as a community team leader for a poker school.

By a rather spontaneous idea that came up late last year I am now given the opportunity to work directly for Mythic. Now I've spent the last few days trying to get up to date with DAoC and WAR and to get familiar with UO while getting to know the tools and procedures - apart of course from all the administrative stuff that needs to be done and some interesting clashes with weird measurement units.

I guess I have all set up now, I am ready to get to work and am really looking forward to it.
Da freue ich mich doch schon auf das nächste Treffen in Köln :D


Ari :cool:
"Wolf...Teacher, Pathfinder, Moon-dog of my soul. Howling, Singing, Teaching how to know."

- Arizona Silverwolf -
Arizona/Rezon/Rizon Silverwolf- Faust Tamriels - The Elder Scrolls Online - EU-Server
Beiträge: 137
Registriert: 14.09.2008, 08:28
Wohnort: Delmenhorst

Re: Sterntaler ist wieder da

Beitrag von Serenth »

Na das sind doch mal gute Nachrichten :thumleft:

Die GamesCom samt Spielertreffen stehen für Amra und mich auch schon fest auf dem Terminplan, ich hoffe, es kommt nix dazwischen.
- Signaturlos -